Monday, 10 April 2017

My Guruji and My Wishlist..

Jai Guru Ji

As any father and mother, Guruji wants to keep his Children happy and he made me The Happiest.

After granting me good health, good mindset, lots of positivity and improving quality of my life, I feel that he started fulfilling my wishes like a Genie.

There were so many wishes I had and so many dreams that I wanted to come true and one by one, He started ticking on them.  From bigger wishes that I openly discuss, to the deep rooted ones, which I thought would never come true, He granted me all.

I started travelling more, I started buying things which I never ever thought I could buy or I had the heart to buy.  I started gaining new and different experiences. Things were changing for me automatically and smoothly and every such experience left me with more and more gratitude for Guruji, my father.  Things that I used to stress a lot about, now were happening without any stress and on their own.

It not only made me happier and fulfilled but also gave a different kind of confidence. My happiness quotient suddenly was increasing day by day and my eyes and heart are bubbling with joy with his Grace.

Thank you Guruji for your immense blessings..I owe a lot to you forever..

Jai Guru Ji