Friday 18 December 2020

Darshan deeje khol kivaad..first darshan in Corona times

 Jai Guruji Ji

28th September 2020

My daughter's 16th birthday and indeed it was very special for all of us.  I had 
pre-ordered customised balloons for her birthday as few of her few friends were coming over in the evening of 28th and the balloons were to to picked from GK on her birthday.

At first, I thought let me send driver to pick balloons but a voice inside me said that I should go.  I will also pay respect to Guruji at his GK Mandir from outside and seek his blessings.

After I picked up the stuff, I went to GK Mandir.  It was closed and the gate was locked from inside, which meant that someone was there inside the Mandir.  I bowed down to Him from outside and mentally said "Guruji, it is a very special day and I have come to see you.  If you wish, please let me have your darshan".  My eyes were closed.

As soon as I opened my eyes, the door opened and the sewadaar uncle came out for some work.  I was so glad that Guruji heard me immediately.  I could pay my respect from outside and see him after so many months of the lockdown and on this special day. "Darshan de diye, khol kivaad"

Thank you so much Guruji..You are amazing!

Jai Guruji


  1. Beautiful and divine satsang.
    Shukrana Guruji 🙏🙏

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